Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Muddy Buddy Experience Part 2

The way the race starts is in waves. We were in the 4th wave, based on age and gender. In each wave there are riders and runners, riders go first then 2 minutes later the runners take off and then 4 minutes later the next wave begins. Our wave started and the bikers were off. I stood there at the ready line, my camelback was snug and tight so it would not bounce as I ran. I was feeling the excitement waiting for the green. Then it was time. I took off strong. Hey, I can do this, no problem! I had a pretty good pace and I looked around as I was with the leaders. They were in better shape than I. Right on, let's kick some ass. The trail went straight up a hill and then curved around and up another hill. All of the sudden I thought I was going to die; my breathing was out of control and I was dizzy. Guys were passing me. The hill was too much, I couldn't breath. I kept pushing and my pace dropped slower and slower. What is up? Are we that high, elevation wise? I can't breath. My heart was racing in the high 160's. I started to walk. What the hell am I doing, the race just started. I can do this. I caught my breath, brought my heart down and started again. A couple of hundred yards and I was dying again. I can't breath. I reached across my chest and unsnapped my camelback; my lungs increase their capacity and filled with air. What did I do? Next I reached down and unsnapped the tight strap across my belly. More Air!! I limited my ability to feed my lungs by putting the camelback on so tight. You see I hate anything on me bouncing while I run, so I had decided everything would need to be real tight - BIG MISTAKE! I was like a young boxer, going after the veteran. He showed weakness and I went for the kill, only to punch out. Like a boxer loosing the ability to raise his arms to punch, I needed a recover time and none was to be given. I continued on, I have to finish.

I started running again. But I could not regain my composure. We hit the peak and the downhill came. I couldn't help but run the downhill, but I had to be careful. Don't fall, that would be detrimental. Where is the obstacle event and when do I ride, was all I could think of. At the bottom of the hill we went around a fence that forced us slightly into the lake. Another hill?? I started up again, but it wasn't long before I was gasping for air and the dizziness returned. Then I saw it. The staging area, no jogging, RUN, get there! There was a metal frame we had to climb over, that was the obstacle event, then find my bike and I was off.

With a cool breeze in my face as I sped off. It felt great! I check my heart rate, it dropped to 160. I can rest now. NO, I can't this is my strength. I need to make up for my weak running, well my walking. I down shifted and started peddling as hard as I could. The down hill ends with another hill, no problem. This is what I do best. I can gag up a hill on a bike, unlike running. Then another down hill, "on your left" as I passed both runners and bikers, I felt great, pride began to fill me with strength and regain my competitiveness! Cool lets keep this up. What's that ahead the next staging area and event, not yet I just got on the bike! I rode like a mad man. My heart is racing and I am breathing at my max, I can't run again! There is Buddy, JT, waiting for me.

I enter the staging area, drop my bike and JT is yelling at me. In a positive way "Go Cameron, over that wall - come on, you can do it". It was one of those rock climbing walls not too high. Just an extra event, an obstacle to make the race more exciting. I took that wall with ease. Coming down the reality set in, I have to run again! So, off I go. But it wasn't long before I slowed. This was a long steady up hill climb. I was pooped. Just keep moving. Walk and get your breathing and heart rate down, then jog again. Take it easy, keep up the pace. This hill was brutal. Many bikers were pushing their bikes up this hill. I wish I had a bike, this is an easy ride for me. The mountain cures and swings around. I see the people on the higher ridge. What!?!? Still no check point. This is not fair. I am doing all the running. The self pity set in as I kept putting one foot in front of another. I am walking as fast as some are jogging, I feel better and I kept the pace.

A peak! Please give me a bike and still no check point. Dizziness! It is fazzing in and out now. I kept pushing to the top, then a short level area around and check point #3. Woo Hoo I made it!! I am not proud, but I made it. I am dizzy and the obstacle is to cross a balance beam. Another runner looks at me and says, "great now that we are all dizzy". Good, it's not just me freaking out here. I cross the beam and find my bike. Rejoice I am on a bike again.

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