Saturday, November 3, 2007

Final Weigh In for Jeff Cameron's Weigh Loss Fund Raiser

The 4th quarter come back and Jeff hits his GOAL! I didn't think it would happen. After starting off so well, I moved into a weight loss funk for a couple of weeks. I got busy at work, football started, I had a knee injury and Halloween; all contributed to making this goal very difficult to achieve. However, achievable!
I have to put a big THANK YOU out to Ben Comen, Tom Ferry, my wife Lisa and ALL of you that sponsored me. Ben Comen gave me the "don't give up" attitude and the pressure of letting him and his foundation down. I have to give a HUGE THANK YOU to Tom Ferry, my professional business coach. He introduced me to Ben and gave me the "what are you waiting for" attitude. Funny thing, Tom is by business coach, but he has taught me a balanced life is the foundation to success. Tom was the biggest part of making this weight loss difficult. After following his advice and coaching, I got real busy at work. It does matter the market, a good Realtor can sell homes! October was my best month of the year after February. February was before the first "shoe" dropped in the sub prime fiasco in March. Lisa's support was AWESOME, she planned meals around my diet and was there to hold me accountable when I ventured off. ALL OF YOU I am indebted to. The accountability and pressure you created by sponsoring YOUR hard earned money was AWESOME! Last night I was thinking, "for every pound I miss by, Ben losses $355," that stuck in my head and helped me persevere.
OK, I lost 20 pounds. Now I have to keep it off and go for more. Unfortunately, this proved there is more to go! I am off to California for the "MUDDY BUDDY" race with my training partner JT(PS thanks to JT too). I will update you on that adventure.
With 20 pounds lost and $355 sponsored we have raised $7,100 for Ben Comen's foundation, "Living Without Limits"


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