Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hello from Sitka, Alaska

Many of you know, but for those who don't, I am in Sitka, Alaska this week. We have been on the hunt for King Salmon and Halibut. Today, my numbers were not good - only 2 catches, but I caught a 5 foot 110 pound Alaskan Halibut. It was a fight! You can see me below with my catch.

Me with my 24 pound King Salmon! As I brought her to the boat, she jumped about 6 feet in the air. It was such an incredible sight. I remember the big smile on Ben's face, our captain. You know when excites the guy who does this every day, it's special.

Here is the big haul of the day. She is 5 feet exactly and weighs 110 pounds. Isn't she incredible. I fought her for about 15 minutes, before landing her. My arms were killing me. It was a blast. Captain Ben brought his gun over and shot her before we brought her on the boat. They can cause a lot of damage at this size.

Doesn't this picture look fake? It isn't. It was so cool. Yea, the weather was nice too, but the sights were incredible. Another fishing boat in the foreground with a volcano in the back ground. The volcano is named Mt. Edgecumbe.

This is an awesome place to vacation. I suggest everyone check it out at least once!

Just my opinion,

Jeff Cameron

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