Saturday, September 6, 2008


Home sales in the Metro Phoenix area have been picking up all year. They seemed to peak in June at 1,207 sales per week. Then by the end of July home sales dropped to an average of 1.61 per week. However, August is usually the slower month and sales have picked up. By the first week of August the 4 week moving average of home sales had increased to 1,101 and by the first of September the average had climbed back to 1,188. Great news on the sales front.

I see all kinds of numbers on the news for home sales. I don't know where they get these numbers, because 2 years ago I was seeing worse numbers than they were reporting and today I am seeing much better numbers.

In July of 2007 the metro Phoenix area averaged 867 home closings per week, in July of 2008 ther were 1,190 closings per week. This is a 37% increase in sales year over year. In August of 2007, the metro Phoenix area recorded an average of 802 home closings per week and for August of 2008 the closings averaged 1,177 closings per week. This is a 47% increase in year over year sales for the month of August. GOOD NEWS!

Just my opinion!

Jeff Cameron

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