Sunday, December 2, 2007

Home Inventory Falls, Foothills Neighborhood at Tatum and Bell

Yes, we are off the highest level of single family homes for sale. In the "foothills," neighborhood (named due to elementary school) at Tatum and Bell in North East Phoenix, inventory levels of single family homes for sales peaked in September at 65 homes for sale. Today there are 54 homes for sale. That is a drop of 17%. This is one sign of what it will take to move from a buyer's market to a neutral market. I started tracking this neighborhood and a few others this year. I have been tracking the overall market for the past 3 years. What a great tool. I wish I was tracking back in 2003 and 2004. I would have forecast the "great sellers market" better.
For the past 11 years I have been the top agent in this neighborhood. My sales have dropped off, but I am still the top listing agent with 12% of the market share. My competition is 4 other agents with 2 sales each and then 73 one hit wonders. Not to sound rude, most of the agents are good agents. However, I get amazed at what some of the agents do. They just don't know the neighborhood very well and it can hurt their clients.

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