Monday, August 13, 2007

I met the #1 Realtor in the WORLD

August 10, 2007
Yes, it is true. I happened to pick a seat for a Marketing presentation at the Tom Ferry, success Summit and the person that sat next to me is the #1 Realtor in the World. Her name is Cristina Martinez. You can go to her site at . I don't know how many houses she sold, but she made over $7 million, yes million, last year. What was she like? What's her story?

Well, she was quiet and dressed formal with her entourage. As we sat there watching the presentation we made small talk. But quite honestly, I didn't know what to say and I did not want to bother her. She works in San Jose California and she is of Asian decent. So, I foolishly thought she was rich and connected and that is why she became the number Realtor in the world. "She started at the top and just had to improve," was what flashed through my brain. Big deal, but let's here what she has to say.

Oh boy, I was pathetically WRONG! Cristina Martinez is an immigrant from the Philippines. She comes from a poor family but is intelligent and worked hard to get an Engineering Degree. Her church helped her relocate to America. She moved in with a family, in their 2 bedroom apartment with their two kids and worked as a fish cleaner in an Asian market. "What, who is this, boy was I wrong!" Later she got a job as an engineer, actually 2. She was working the night shift and in the day. Later she attended a motivational seminar. You see her manager was 62 and he could not afford to retire. She didn't want that for herself. Her motivational seminar got her into insurance sales and from there into real estate. She worked hard and 18 years later is the #1 Realtor in the WORLD. What an AWESOME story! Boy and if she can do it, I can do it. I just need to stop presuming and start being accountable.

Cristina is very motivated by money. But not to fill her pockets, she redistributes much of her wealth through the church. She wants to give back and help people. What a great lady.

So, yes, I met the #1 Realtor in the world and I did learn something from her. I just learned over time instead of through specific questions. I am very happy to have met her and heard her story. Keep up the Great work Cristina!


Anonymous said...

Cristina was recently featured in LORE Magazine.

Anonymous said...

Didn't make the link correctly. Sorry. I'll try again.

Cristina was recently featured in LORE Magazine. READ ABOUT CRISTINA